Symptoms of Damage
- Rosetted flowers.
- Excreta observed at the point of bore holes by larval feeding. .
- Interlocular boring and formation of double seeds.
- The attacked buds and immature bolls drop off. Discoloured lint and burrowed seeds.
Identification Characters and Biology
Destructive stage: Larva.
Egg: Flat, laid singly on leaves, flowers, bolls. Egg period 4-20 days.
Larva: Young larva are white and late instar becomes almost black, brown or green to pale or pink. Larval period: 25-35 days.
Pupa: Pupation in soil and debris. Pupal period: 8-12 days.
Adult: Small moth. Forewings are brown or dull yellow olive grey with dark spots. Hind wings margins
are deeply fringed. Adult longevity: 7-10 days.
Pink bollworm - Damage
Economic threshold:
- ETL: 10% infested fruiting parts or 8 moths/trap